Big Bouquet
Big Bouquet
A beautifully curated arrangement of magnolias, peonies, and anemones, chosen for their natural rhythm of blooming. Each flower opens at its own pace, giving this bouquet a life of its own—changing and evolving over time.
Our Big Bouquet is created with a thoughtfully selected assortment of seasonal blooms. We introduce a new variety of flowers and color palette every week. Each arrangement is wrapped in white paper for safe delivery and a beautiful presentation.
Personal Messages and Preferences
You can include a personal message for the flower card by providing instructions at checkout.
Please note that our cards are handwritten, so we can't include emojis or special characters.
Feel free to let us know your color or mood preferences for the bouquet.
Flower Varieties and Lifespan
The selection of flowers depends on the season and availability. Keep in mind that the lifespan of each bloom varies due to the perishable nature of flowers.
Orders should be placed at least one day before your preferred delivery date. You can select the delivery date and time period during the checkout process. Currently, we offer flower delivery in Porto and nearby areas.